my memories
Saturday, August 19, 2006
I was typing a nice long entry when the screenn blanked out, forcing me to restart the computer. Since I pretty much lost the mood to blog, but refuse to let this minor thing stop me from blogging, I'll just go straight to the point.
FALLING SICK IS ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE! To be more precise, LAST NIGHT was ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE. It was at about 8pm after a shower that I was getting that freezing-although-I'm-burning sensation. Afraid that I would get a fever, I immediately went to bed with a blankie wrapped around me. (I was feeling cold, to heck with the burning-on-the-inside part) Unfortunately, I woke up later at about 9.30pm to feeling like I was on fire- except I wouldn't really know how that feels like, would I?- and my head HURT, as if i was
a) rammed into the wall a few times (no wait, I don't know how this feels either)
b) shot in the head (nah, definitely have no idea what this feels like, I'm too nice to be shot at)
c)having a migrane (actually, I don't know this either... argh, I GIVE UP, you get my point!)
The two hankies that my granma soaks in ice water had to be replaced in less than a minute. Everytime I placed one on my head, it hurt even more. When I checked my temperature, the thermometer read 39.29 degrees! I was still freezing half to death at the same time. What made it worse was that everyone in the house wanted to watch their tv shows and Mum & Dad were out, so I was pretty much left alone.
Let me tell you, feeling all alone when I was that sick SUCKED. (maybe because i'm spoiled brat too) My head hurt so bad that I just squatted on the floor (lying down felt worse) and I was burning so much that I got desperate. Plus, God didn't seem to be listening to me. So what did I do? From just praying to God, I cried out to Him - out loud. I really cried, hot tears pouring down my cheeks. (which turned out to be a good thing) Then only when I was about done crying did my granma appear to give me my meds and etc. Mum and Dad also opened the front door. WOOT.
Mum gave me a couple of pills and water to help me "sweat it out" as some would call it and turned on the fan. The blankie was set aside so I would be kept cool. I thought this to be kinda ironic, but nevermind.
Then came the highlight of it all, my granma insisted on doing what I would now call "egg therapy". I nodded my head (I was still squatting on the floor) though I was kinda worried, because all I remember was that I hated it after she did it when I was 8 years old. Since I couldn't remember the reason, I thought why not? It was a good thing I let her! It felt like a mud facial + body massage. It was even better because my nose was too blocked to smell the stench -which Rach claimed she could smell from outside the room. After that, I fell into a deep sleep- a very nice sleep too, considering the fact that I didn't wake up in the morning.
I guess God was waiting for me to cry out for Him, because I remember saying that I didn't feel desperate enough for Him. So I suppose He helped me along- Thank you God. Then maybe when He got the response He wanted, He came. Hmmmm. It's not that God is selfish or evil, but I know that He wants us to need Him, and somestimes the only way to achieve it is to create a situation where they will turn to Him.
Well, that's all I pretty much have to say for tonight. So... buhbye!
Prayer time!
Thank you God, for helping me be desperate for you. Thank you for healing Rachel and Ben from the flu as well. I now pray that you'll heal nainai and I- since it became our turn to fall sick- and that you will protect the rest of the family. Give Daddy the wisdom he needs for tomorrow's preaching and a ear to listen to Your voice so that he will speak what You want him to speak. I love You, in Jesus' name, Amen.
1:35 PM
mmm... yummy
Saturday, August 12, 2006
I received my Chinese O level results yesterday; I got a C6 grade. Strangest thing is though, when I saw my results, I felt nothing. I mean, I wasn't elated that I passed, nor wdecision. as I upset I didn't get the B I was hoping for. It was more of an "oh, okay" kind of reaction. Dad wants me to retake the paper, I don't know if I should. So I shall just pray for God's decision.. Though I heard that in my school, Chinese paper has to be retaken if one did not get B4 and above. Hmm...
I also had my English O level oral! I didn't freak out till I was sitting on the waiting chair. I think I can just make it for the distinction mark though, I hope so anyway. The teachers were nice though, friendly people.
At night, I went for Planetshakers praise and worship! IT WAS AWSOME! The chair were set up at the back, and there was a big space at the front for us to stand. The girls (Evan, JiaEn, Lydia and Rach) and I headed to the front. It was hard to jump though, people put their bags on the floor and the people in front of us jumped backwards whilst the people behind us jumped forward. Haha. The 'concert' was good though, my calves are aching right now. The sharing by a pastor from planetshakers was funny too.
Oh, and the goody bag had this face paint thing causing us girls to go mad and draw on each other. We took photos and videos though. I'll load it into the comp later tonight. I gotta do some math now though, so see you around!
1:33 PM
mmm... yummy
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Man... It's been close to a month since I've blogged, even dear ms En aka senior pok aka Ms Toot had to tell me to update because my blog was dying. Well, recently, I've been quite busy with my school work, especially art. Now, I can safely say that my art boards are off my hands!!! I don't have to stress over them anymore!!!!!! YES!!!! (well, i better not have to stress over them anymore!)
I now declare that art is the most time-consuming subject that I have taken so far in my life. I doubt anything can beat that, but we'll see. I spent most of my time doing art, in fact, I was so focused on it (we hand to hand the boards in by today) that I completely forgot that I had Chem and Bio test on Monday! Thankfully, I scrapped past the passing mark for Chem, unfortunately, Bio results were pretty bad. Now I'm not sure I want to take Art if I get to JC. Hmmm... Should I? or should I not?
Anyhoo, now all I have to do is complete the canvas, and paper 1 is finished. Then there's paper 2, but let's not go into that. I'm taking my O level English oral on Friday next week! Please keep me in prayer (when you pronounce it, it's a silent 'Y'. learnt that in English today. haha) Basically pray that I'll be calm, because when I get nervous my voice starts to crack and I sound like I'm about to cry. We don't want that happening do we? No, we don't. Like my English teacher said today, "you have to show the examiners that you have a brain, and that you can actually use that brain to make intelligent conversation." So.... yeah.
Right now I'm also reading "the God catchers". It's a great book, and I'm sloowwlly devouring it. Haa... I think these kind of books shouldn't be read at one go, but absorbed bit by bit. So I'm gonna take awhile, sorry Evan aka Ms Soot, I'll be taking quite awhile. Just so you know though, I'm 5/12 done with it. It's really helped me... because I've been feeling God around me, but not, for lack of better word, in me. So yeah, it's helped me to cope. I realise that I'm not hungry enough for Him and His presence to get closer to Him. I also know I can't make myself hunger for Him just like that. So I'm waiting around. Strangely though, there's this peace in me that I think comes from God. Maybe he's saying that it's alright and He is still around. I know He still helps me out though, He delayed me giving a speech in class for about a couple of weeks when I had no idea what my topic should be. God is good, all the time!
Now, I've got something light-hearted to share with y'all! A poem! Got it from Lit class... so here you go!
This Poem...
This poem is dangerous: it should not be left
Within the reach of children, or even of adults
Who might swallow it whole, with possibly
Undesirable side-effects. If you come across
An unattended, unidentified poem
In a public place, do not attempt to tackle it
Yourself. Send it (preferably, in a sealed container)
To the nearest centre of learning, where it will be rendered
Harmless, by experts. Even the simplest poem
May destroy your immunity to human emotions.
All poems must carry a Government warning. Words
Can seriously affect your heart.
Elma MitchelOh! And I saw the mozzie that's been biting my family and I for the past few months. It's gotten to be quite big; Too bad it flew off before I could smack the thing. Oh well, that's all I have for tonight! Toorah!
8:42 PM
mmm... yummy